Sutra of the day: That repetition of a word [it's] meaning [is your] experiencing/becoming.5/27/2008
What you do repeatedly is what you are. – Aristotle
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are like a hyperdimensional door with many locks. Each suutra seems to be the key. It’s hard to have a favorite, but this week’s one for me is: taj-japas tad-artha bhaavanam (1.28) The grammar of this sutra is straightforward unlike that of many. The vocabulary is crystal-clear. In translation it is: In that repetition of a word [it's] meaning [is your] experiencing/becoming. There are very good words to choose to repeat, a whole science called mantra to it. Perhaps, start primordial and say the simple all encompassing “Om”, the word suggested by the Yoga Sutras, but don’t say it too much, or as Dr. Lad has said, you may just psychologically lift off the planet forever. Maybe it’s better to say God, God, God, God, God, God…. There are some other mantras that are good for us all, and then there are ones given to us personally by a trained yogi. Really, there is a whole field in itself and I’ll just leave this post at briefly alluding to it. Whatever you say with repetition, you become. So be careful of what you say. And with that care, become anything. Comments are closed.
ARTICLESAuthorRenay Oshop - teacher, searcher, researcher, immerser, rejoicer, enjoying the interstices between Twitter, Facebook, and journals. Categories
September 2023