DhAtus are Ayurvedic tissue types: plasma, red blood cells, muscle, fat, bone, nerve, sexual tissue. Their nutrition flows in that order.
There is an ancient corollary, perhaps 5000 years old or more, of planets that go along with each of these tissue types: Plasma : Moon Red Blood Cells : Sun* Muscle : Mars Fat : Jupiter Bone : Saturn Nerve : Mercury Sexual Tissue : Venus Well, on a walk, I wondered if this linear sequence of dhAtu nutrition where the metabolic results of one leads to the next is related to the sequence of respective planet formation in our solar system. Some time with Wikipedia gave me the answer of the moment: definitely maybe. This is exciting. That is to say, there is much to support and not anything definite to deny my claim that the sequence of dhAtu nutrition may be the same as planetary formation. That is a pretty high scientific standard to hold to, especially considering that the encyclopedic accounts are incomplete within themselves and somewhat conflicting when compared to each other. In short, a. The Moon looks like it may have been formed before the Sun, as the plasma comes before red blood cells in dhatu nutrition. How is this possible? The Moon may have been part of the accretion disk that the Earth was part of before the Sun was turned on. Is this a certainty? No, but it is possible, still a maybe in contentious scientific circles. If I may, I’d like to also extrapolate that plasma may be plasma, i.e., the plasma of the blood may correspond to the truly vast plasma states of space, perhaps the original Prakrti, states which hve been shown to generate cellular structures. [Ibid.] b. Jupiter and Saturn definitely appeared before Mercury and Venus, according to up to date research. c. The one anomaly is Mars, appropriate for the “crooked one”. d. *Some old astrologers think Mars may be the assignation, the marker, for the red blood cells. Mars after all stabs you in war and makes you bleed. Who is in charge of the war though? The king, Sun. Plus, why give Mars two correspondences and the Sun none? Also consider that rakta, the red blood cells, carries prAna much as the Sun distributes prAna to the solar system. Moreover, people who have rakta dusthi, or problems with their red blood cells, such as suffererers of Hepatitis C, will have an affected Sun in their astrological charts to describe their affected rakta and liver problems. To think, with each breath you take, with each replenishment of every cell in your being, you may be recreating the formation of our solar system. Next, in a series on the astronomical and astrological realities of the cosmic human, the blastomere in human embryology may be seen as the incoming gestating bubble from the Multiverse, and the three pancake layers of human development perhaps can be considered as revisting the formation of our flatUniverse.
ARTICLESAuthorRenay Oshop - teacher, searcher, researcher, immerser, rejoicer, enjoying the interstices between Twitter, Facebook, and journals. Categories
September 2023