There’s an old Indian story that goes something like this:
A man in a parched dry part of the country was trying to create a well. He would dig a hole, not deep enough to find anything, get exasperated and then give up. He tried this over and over again, and then went to his guru, asking what could be the problem. Perhaps there was no cool water under the ground anyway. Perhaps he should give up forever. The guru laughed and said, you have to pick a spot, dig deep, and then you will find the well of water that unites all ground. Perhaps apropos of this site, the story describes accurately and realistically the problem people face when they jump from one “field” to another of study. Yoga, Praanayaam (breathing exercises), mantra, astrology, Ayurveda, these are all fields, sciences, in themselves that each need deep focused study and heartfelt practice. If you just do a little bit of any one of them, get tired or frustrated, or otherwise get your ego hurt and move to the next, nothing will happen. You won’t reach the water. Much like the table of water underground, once you do reach Truth, you will find that it unites all the disciplines. It’s true that you could start anywhere and reach the same hidden ocean. But how to get there? Find one place and dig deep. Keep trying. Don’t move. Don’t get anxious. tat-pratisedhaartham eka-tattvaabhyaasahah (Yoga Sutras I.32) “In order to prevent those blocks[sickness, density, doubt…], the practice of a single truth.” For me, astrology is that one truth. The tattva, sight. It allows me to experience the other disciplines honestly and more fully than if I had bopped around, smelling occasional whiffs of knowledge from a distance. I love the story above and remember it quite often. As I begin with this web site, I want to emphasize that I don’t know much, except maybe a little in my practice of astrology. Still I can not imagine having a site on astrology that didn’t nod often to Sanskrit for example, and of course Ayurveda, and hence cooking, and ultimately yoga . You get the idea, So while I have interdisciplinary subsections on here, they are all staked around astrology. That’s my focus but it’s not my radius of perception. The radius is union, which is the ultimate meaning of yoga, the field Truth. Once, you find the table, all the fields merge. My main teacher, Dr. Lad, can speak Sanskrit by a touch of his guru, is a foremost master of Ayurveda and Yoga , and can perceive Jyotish instantly. I decided to write on this site so that I could codify some thoughts and feelings for my own education, share them with others, and learn what others have to say. We together form the eternal field of knowledge. Aham Brahmaasmi I am Brahma. (Brhadaaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10) Comments are closed.
ARTICLESAuthorRenay Oshop - teacher, searcher, researcher, immerser, rejoicer, enjoying the interstices between Twitter, Facebook, and journals. Categories
September 2023